Small Manufacturers Retooling Funding Opportunity by EGLE

Listing Category

Funding: $50,000 per applicant

Qualifications: Any small manufacturing business (<500 employees worldwide) physically located in Michigan is eligible to apply. Projects must address one or more program objectives and one or more program priorities listed under Section I-B of the Request for Proposals.

Additional Notes: Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposal and any questions about the program with staff in EGLE’s Energy Unit prior to submittal. Technical assistance is also available through the Retired Engineers, Scientists, Technicians, Administrators, Researchers, and Teachers (RESTART) program. RESTART offers free onsite energy efficiency and sustainability technical assistance and assessments to small and medium-sized commercial businesses throughout Michigan.

Deadline to Apply: Until funds committed or March 3, 2024, whichever comes first

Contact: Michelle Rogers / / 517-275-1288

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