Catalyst Partners, 502 Second Street NW, receives 2019 Outstanding Green Building Award at Annual Party

The U.S. Green Building Council of West Michigan is proud to present Catalyst Partners with the 2019 Outstanding Green Building Award. When one thinks of their ideal workplace, they may unwittingly imagine an environment similar to that of 502 Second Street. This 100+ year old building is now an example of modern energy efficiency standards.

Delegates from Catalyst Partners accept 2019 Outstanding Green Building Award.

Within the past year, Catalyst Partners completed their LEED for Existing Building, Operation & Maintenance (EBOM) Platinum Certification. This rigorous certification takes a deep dive into daily processes and helps owners and managers put together policies that include a layer of sustainability. It moves beyond new construction and ensures that building occupants are making daily decisions that include important aspects of sustainable longevity.  When Catalyst Partners first set out to become LEED certified in 2012, they might not have foreseen all the benefits that have culminated. Today, Catalyst boasts a double LEED Platinum certified workspace and can fly their flag as one of the most sustainable companies in the country.

Grand Rapids based Catalyst Partners offers services such as energy and certification auditing, indoor air quality testing, healthy building consultations and much more. Their work spans every scale; from assisting local businesses to Fortune 100 companies, they stand at the center of a thriving market.

Sustainability is a core value of Catalyst Partners, and they work daily to show what is possible in the field of sustainable innovation. The evolving nature of technology demands evolving standards, which Catalyst Partners takes in stride. Many of the sustainable features of the building, such as the natural carbon reserves and natural daylight, lend themselves well to the LEED EBOM certification. Not only does the natural and built environment benefit from this certification, but the employees at Catalyst Partners do as well. Thanks to the EBOM certification, Catalyst added several innovations to improve the quality of life for building residents. Technologies such as variable speed fans and cost effective solar panels tailor the experience of usage to the consumer.

Here one may find another core value of Catalyst Partners: they are wholly dedicated to creating a quality and healthy work environment. As a bike friendly

Catalyst Partners at 502 Second Street NW is an impressive model of sustainability.

company, Catalyst works to create incentives for employees to use their bike friendly resources. In return, Catalyst Partners sees economic and environmental payoffs. Above all, they strive to retain a happy, healthy and multigenerational workforce.

In their Strategic Plan, Catalyst Partners resolved to carry out only positive net energy projects by 2030. Along their way, they have milestones to track their progress. This approach makes it possible to work on several projects at once, all with the same goal of energy efficiency. Catalyst Partners is putting forth powerful efforts to achieve this goal; striving to show how their technology can be applied elsewhere. In a time where work-life balance is challenging, Catalyst makes time to make their employees feel happy, valued and individualized. The technical goals of Catalyst Partners can only be achieved through the hard work of a dedicated staff. This company works to make sure that this is achieved, all for the benefit of the natural environment. It is admirable to see such work, and we look forward to their continued growth in the future.