GR2030 District Grand River Cleanup

On Thursday, September 14, 2023 the Grand Rapids 2030 District Team along with some of our members hit the trails to join the 20th Annual Mayor's Grand River Cleanup, hosted by the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC). We followed Plaster Creek near Brookside Elementary cleaning up trash along the bank and through the woods. This was our second year cleaning up this site through the Cleanup. "It was really inspiring to come back this year and see how things have changed and compare our cleanup from this year to last [year's]," said USGBC-WM and GR2030 Program Manager, Kayla Musil.
"The river cleanup is a great way to meet our members and to give back to our community," said USGBC-WM and GR2030 Communications Manager, Ally Beshouri.
Thank you to everyone who came out and participated, and thank you to WMEAC and all those who make this possible each year!
Photos from this year's Cleanup